Discovery of a new source of gravitational waves

Editor1 Jul 22 2021 Current Affairs

In news 

Recently, for the first time, the scientists have detected gravitational waves ripples in the fabric of space-time produced by the collision of a neutron star and a black hole

Key points

  • The discovery of gravitational waves from a pair of neutron star-black hole (NS-BH) mergers was published in the Astrophysical Journal.
  • So far, the LIGO-Virgo collaboration (LVC) of gravitational waves detectors has successfully observed collisions between pairs of black holes or neutron stars.
  •  For the first time, in January 2020, the network of detectors made the discovery of gravitational waves from a pair of NS-BH mergers.

Its significance to science world

  • A lot of riveting scientific facts can be learnt from this. For instance, a neutron star has a surface and black hole does not. 
  • A neutron star is about 1.4 to 2 times the mass of the sun while the other black hole is much more massive. Widely unequal mergers have very interesting effects that can be detected.
  • Inferring from data regarding how often they merge will also give us clues about their origin and how they were formed. 
  • This increases the chance of observation of these distant sources using electromagnetic telescopes, which will, in turn, give us a more precise measurement of how fast the universe is expanding.
  • These observations help us understand the formation and relative abundance of such binaries. Neutron stars are the densest objects in the Universe, so these findings can also help us understand the behaviour of matter at extreme densities. 
  • Neutron stars are also the most precise ‘clocks’ in the Universe, if they emit extremely periodic pulses. 
  • The discovery of pulsars going around Black Holes could help scientists probe effects under extreme gravity.
  • Both of these events occurred 1 billion light years away. 
  • As the gravitational waves also travel with the speed of light, this means that they observed mergers that happened ~1 billion years ago well before life appeared on earth!

The technique behind the detection

  • The technique used here to detect the signal is called matched filtering. 
  • This was also used for the first discovery of gravitational waves.  
  • Basically, Scientists have been detecting binary black hole mergers and binary neutron star mergers and this is a hybrid collision.
  • As the two compact and massive bodies orbit around each other, they come closer, and finally merge, due to the energy lost in the form of gravitational waves. 
  • The Gravitational Waves signals are buried deep inside a lot of background noise. To search for the signals, scientists use a method called matched filtering. 
  • In matched filtering, various expected gravitational waveforms predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity, are compared with the different chunks of data to produce a quantity that signifies how well the signal in the data (if any) matches with any one of the waveforms. 
  • Whenever this match (in technical terms “signal-to-noise ratio” or SNR) is significant (larger than 8), an event is said to be detected. 
  • Observing an event in multiple detectors separated by thousands of kilometers almost simultaneously gives scientists increased confidence that the signal is of astrophysical origin, which is the case for both events.

How to confirm NS-BH mergers?

Using Parameter Estimation tools, scientists find the probable masses, spins, distances, locations of these mergers from the data. 

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